
When people hear the name SANZAF words such as community upliftment, social welfare, impact, holistic development, amongst others come to mind. During the holy month of Ramadan, these efforts are triple folded as the organisation distributes Zakah and food to thousands in need. 

Many communities are dependent on the Ramadan food programmes and distributions implemented by SANZAF to get the most out of the holy month. Teams across the country work hard making sure that every tummy is fed with a warm meal- each person has a meal for suhoor, and plate of warm food to break their fast, assuring that social upliftment is well under way. 

From Gauteng to Durban, Port Elizabeth to Kimberley, East London, Ladysmith and all through the Western Cape, iftar meals were served to over 130 000 individuals across South Africa.

Our annual Operation Fitrah, which started back in 1974 with the aim of encouraging collective giving of Fitrah to reach needier individuals with a more substantial Fitrah hamper, is a highlight for our volunteers. This past year, they assisted with the packing and distributing of 26 000 hampers to families resulting in over 100 000 people being taken care of on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr. This operation is a vital part of Ramadan activities which begins two months before Ramadan.

A key part of achieving this level of impact on such a national scale especially during the Covid-19 pandemic was utilising key partnerships with stakeholders that have been developed through strategic planning.