About Us

About us

Established in 1974, the South African National Zakáh Fund (SANZAF) has been a steadfast source of hope for individuals facing adversity. Operating with a proactive approach, SANZAF is actively engaged in key sectors such as welfare and development, education, emergency relief, and the provision of food aid and shelter for those in need.

Through collaborative efforts and your support, SANZAF has played a pivotal role in positively shaping the lives of numerous individuals, instilling hope for a brighter future. As a leading organisation in Zakah, SANZAF is committed to ensuring the education of the Muslim community through targeted Zakah advocacy programs.

Distinguished for its dedication to compliance and excellence, SANZAF has earned accolades and recognition for its commitment to addressing community needs. Functioning as a faith-based, socio-welfare, and educational institution, SANZAF is dedicated to empowering needy families through the efficient collection and judicious distribution of Zakáh and other Sadaqát. This is achieved through proactive and cost-effective projects that embody principles of dignity, sincerity, and shared responsibility.

Every initiative undertaken by SANZAF is guided by a profound sense of duty to the community and a sincere commitment to serving the greater good, all in pursuit of the pleasure of Allah (SWT).



Registration and Status

Registered as a non-profit organisation (NPO 007-160)

Registered with SARS for vat (4320215348) Registered as a trust (IT 1670/96)

Registered as a public benefit organisation (PBO 930001714)

Registered with SARS for tax exemption (RG/0240/08/04)

Membership with Proudly South African (CM 040623/9)

Recognition by Social Services as a service provider

Recognition by Disaster Management of the City of Cape Town.

Recognition by the Mayoral office of the Unicity of Cape Town

Recognition by the Director of the Volunteer Centre.


Understanding the Significance of Being Registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO)

SANZAF proudly holds the status of a Section 18A Public Benefit Organisation (PBO number 930001714). This designation signifies that any gratuitous cash or in-kind donation made to SANZAF to undertake qualifying public benefit activities within South Africa is eligible for an income tax deduction by the donor.

Under this registration, SANZAF is authorized by the South African Revenue Service (SARS) to issue Section 18A tax certificates/receipts upon request to its donors. This documentation enables donors to claim their contributions as a tax deduction. As a donor, your support not only aids SANZAF in assisting those displaced from their businesses and homes but also allows you to obtain a tax benefit.


Here's how it works:

Donors can claim a tax deduction, limited to 10% of their taxable income in a fiscal year, for the total donations made to approved organisations like SANZAF. To qualify for this deduction, the donation must be supported by a receipt from SANZAF.

For instance, if a donor earns R100,000 in taxable income per annum and has donated R10,000 to SANZAF during that year, the donor qualifies for a tax deduction of R10,000 from their total taxable income. In this scenario, the donor would be liable to pay tax on R90,000 (R100,000 – donation of R10,000) for that year, providing an opportunity to claim the R10,000 donation as a tax deduction.